Cincinnati, OH – The Mulligan Concept™ Advanced Course (with optional CMP exam – exam registration separate)

Jul 11, 2026
8:00am - 5:30pm
Advanced Course – Spinal and Peripheral Manual Therapy Treatment Techniques
This unique approach to manual therapy was discovered and developed by Brian Mulligan F.N.Z.S.P. (Hon), Dip. M.T. from Wellington, New Zealand. This simple yet effective manual approach addresses musculoskeletal disorders with pain free manual joint “repositioning” techniques for restoration of function and abolition of pain. This two-day Advanced course will review and fine tune the participants skill level with the Mulligan approach to manual therapy for the whole body.
In addition, it will provide instruction in the use of Pain Release Phenomenon techniques and compression techniques. It will include lecture, patient demonstrations, and lab time to give the participants an opportunity for depth problem-solving and refinement of technique for this Mobilization With Movement ™ approach. This will also prepare those interested in taking the Certified Mulligan Practitioner Exam.

Continuing Education Credits
- PT’s and PTA’s will receive CEU’s for those licensed in the State of Ohio.
- ATs will receive 13 CEUs from the NATA Board of Certification CEU Provider P3566
- Certificate of attendance for 13 hours of instruction is always given

Course Details
By the end of the course the participant will be able to accurately:
- Describe two indications and 2 clinical rules for the application of Pain Release Phenomenon and Compression Techniques
- Demonstrate 3 ankle MWM techniques for ankle ROM impairment.
- Integrate a combined proximal / distal MWM technique in the lower leg when presented with findings of persistent ankle sprain leg pain & dysfunction.
- Demonstrate 2 knee MWM techniques for ROM impairment.
- Integrate 1 advanced MWM combination for medial compartment of the knee when given a presentation of persistent knee joint dysfunction.
- Demonstrate 3 hip MWM techniques for ROM impairment.
- Demonstrate 2 knee taping procedures to reinforce MWM techniques.
- Demonstrate 3 key variables that may need to be modified for pain-free effective MWM of peripheral and axial skeletal joints
- Demonstrate 5 manual techniques for the alleviation straight leg raise pain.
- Integrate 1 advanced combined MWM for sidelying SLR dysfunction when given a presentation of persistent SLR dysfunction.
- Demonstrate 2 manual techniques for the alleviation of SI jt pain.
- Demonstrate central and unilateral manual SNAG techniques for the pain-free improvement of lumbar, cervical and thoracic ROM.
- List 2 indications for wrist/hand taping procedures for the proximal row of carpals and the metacarpals to reinforce an MWM technique.
- Demonstrate 2 elbow MWM techniques for loss of motion and tennis elbow.
- Integrate one forearm combined MWM of the proximal and distal radius/ulna when given a clinical pattern of persistent forearm pain.
- Demonstrate 3 shoulder MWM techniques for shoulder elevation impairment.
- Demonstrate 3 manual techniques for the alleviation of cervicogenic headaches and dizziness
- Integrate one combined shoulder MWM and cervical SNAG when presented with a persistent cervical / shoulder musculoskeletal dysfunctional pattern.
- Cite at least 2 RCT studies that support cervical snags for headaches and dizziness
Mulligan Concept™ Advanced Course Timeline
Precourse video (1 hour 5 minutes) -to be sent to all
participants in the Pre-course email 1-2 weeks prior to
the course.
0 – 5:00 Course and Mulligan Concept Intro: Mark Thomson’s background
5:00 – 6:51 Who is Brian Mulligan?
6:51 – 23:39 Effects of manual therapy and Mulligan Concept mechanisms of
23:40 – 25:40 Evidence for manual therapy vs hands off approach
25:40 – 29:03 Mulligan Concept resources and “tools of the trade”
29:03 – 32:50 How was the Mulligan Concept born?
32:50 – 34:40 IP example of MWM
34:40 – 36:04 3 things about the Mulligan Concept that require the most practice!
36:04 – 37:10 Establishment of the Mulligan Concept Teacher Association
37:10 – 42:48 What is the Mulligan Concept?
42:48 – 1:00 CROCKS
1:00 – 1:02:40 MWM’s are one part of a thorough examination
1:02:40 – 1:03:10 PILL EFFECT
1:03:10. REVIEW
DAY 1:
• 7:45-8:00 Sign in and Registration• 8:00-8:30 Mulligan Concept principles. Clinical problem identification
and reflection, and participant goals for the weekend (which techniques
need refinement? Which techniques give you trouble?)
• 8:30-9:00 Review, problem-solve, refinement, advanced progressions,
and practice of the techniques for the Hand & Wrist, IP, MCP,
Metacarpals, Carpals, and taping techniques.
• 9:00-9:30 Pain Release Phenomenon (PRP’s) Introduction and lecture.
• 9:30-10:00 Pain Release Phenomenon (PRP’s) demonstration and lab
practice: Pisiform, Dequervain’s, CMC joint.
• 10:00-10:15 Break time
• 10:15-11:00 Review, problem-solve, refinement, advanced progressions,
and practice of the techniques for the Elbow.
• 11:00-11:30 Review, problem-solve, refinement, advanced progressions,
and practice of the techniques for the Shoulder.
• 11:30-12:00 Pain Release Phenomenon (PRP’s) demonstration & lab
practice: tennis elbow,radiohumeral joint & shoulder joint.
• 12:00-1:00 Lunch
• 1:00- 2:30 Review, problem-solve, refinement, advanced progressions,
and practice of the techniques for the Cervical spine including
introduction of Cervical PRP’s.
• 2:30- 2:45 Break time
• 2:45- 3:00 Upper Cervical lecture: evidence based practice
• 3:00-3:45 Review, problem-solve, refinement, advanced progressions,
and practice of the techniques for the Upper Cervical spine. Headache
and Cervicogenic Dizziness treatments.
• 3:45-4:30 Review, problem-solve, refinement, advanced progressions,
and practice of the techniques for the Thoracic spine and rib cage.
• 4:30-5:30 Review, problem solve, refinement, advanced progressions, and
practice of the techniques of the Toes/Feet and Ankle.
DAY 2:
• 7:30-8:30. Review, problem-solve, refinement, advanced progressions,
and practice of the techniques for the Ankle including PRP’s
demonstration and lab practice: MTP joints, EHL tendon, tarsals,
sesamoids,• 8:30-9:30 Review, problem-solve, refinement, advanced progressions,
and practice of the techniques for the Knee. Pain Releasing Phenomenon
technique for the Patello-femoral joint.
• 9:30-10:00 Review, problem-solve, refinement, advanced progressions,
and practice of the techniques for the Hip
• 10:00-10:30. Break time
• 10:30-11:00 Hip continued: Demonstration and Lab practice including PRP’s .
• 11:00- 12:30 Review, problem-solve, refinement, advanced
progressions, and practice of the techniques for the Lumbar spine and
positive SLR techniques.
• 12:30-1:30 Review, problem-solve, refinement, advanced progressions,
and practice of the techniques for the Lumbo-pelvic girdle.
• 1:30 Post course test.
Wear loose, comfortable lab clothes. Bring mobilization belts, mobilization pads, if available.
To facilitate your learning and preparation for the course, it is recommended that you purchase a mobilization belt, contact pad, and Brian Mulligan’s 7th edition textbook. Other tools to facilitate learning include video tutorials of the techniques presented in the courses. Click the product links below for information and purchase.
Read our complete cancellation policies.
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